xSPI Multiple Bus Memory Controller (xSPI-MBMC)

The industry ‘defacto standard’ memory controller for xSPI-like memories

Product page​ for

for Infineon (Cypress) HyperRAM 1.0,

Infineon (Cypress) HyperFlash 1.0 and

Infineon (Cypress) HyperMCP 1.0 memory devices

SLL Partners and Supported FPGA Vendors for Cypress memory devices

Overview of xSPI MBMC IP support for Infineon (Cypress) memory devices

Today, Cypress is a wholly owned subsidiary of Infineon. SLL is one of Infineon’s official partner for memory controller IP.

SLL’s xSPI Multiple Bus Memory Controller IP supports the legacy Cypress branded HYPERRAM 1.0,  HYPERFLASH 1.0, and HYPERMCP 1.0 devices. 

Click here to visit the xSPI MBMC IP page for Infineon’s latest generation of memory devices.

HYPERRAM™ 1.0 PSRAM memory is a self-refresh DRAM operating on the HYPERBUS™ interface. 

HYPERRAM 1.0 has now been superseded by Infineon’s HYPERRAM™ 2.0 PSRAM memory, the second generation of high-speed, low-pin-count, low-power, self-refresh Dynamic RAM (DRAM) for high-performance embedded systems requiring expansion memory. HYPERRAM™ 2.0 delivers up to 400 MB/s throughput and supports both HYPERBUS™ and Octal xSPI interfaces that draw upon the legacy features of both parallel and serial interface memories, while enhancing system performance and ease of design, as well as reducing system cost. 

SLL and Infineon strongly recommend customers upgrade from HYPERRAM 1.0 to HYPERRAM 2.0. Click here to visit the xSPI MBMC IP page for Infineon’s latest generation of memory devices.

HYPERFLASH 1.0 NOR Flash memory has now been superseded by Infineon SEMPER™ NOR Flash.  SEMPER™ NOR Flash delivers upto 400 MB/s throughput and supports both HYPERBUS™ (xSPI profile 2.0) and Octal xSPI interfaces (xSPI profile 1.0).  The SEMPER™ NOR Flash memory family is Infineon’s high-performance, safe, and reliable NOR Flash solution that integrates critical safety features for a broad range of applications spanning automotive, industrial, communications, and more. With SEMPER™ NOR Flash memory, Infineon delivers the industry’s fi­rst ASIL-B compliant and ASIL-D ready NOR Flash device.

SLL and Infineon strongly recommend customers upgrade from HYPERFLASH 1.0 to SEMPER NOR Flash with HyperBus interface.  Click here to visit the xSPI MBMC IP page for Infineon’s latest generation of memory devices.

Implementing HYPERFLASH™ and HYPERRAM™ (HYPERFLASH™ + HYPERRAM™ MCP) together provides an optimum high-performance memory subsystem with 70% fewer pins and a 77% smaller footprint compared to existing SDRAM and Quad SPI solutions.  Click here to visit the xSPI MBMC IP page for Infineon’s latest generation of memory devices.

xSPI MBMC support for Infineon (Cypress) memory devices

SLL’s memory controller supports a broad range of Infineon (Cypress) branded memory device variants:

  • Infineon (Cypress) x8 HYPERRAM 1.0
  • Infineon (Cypress) x8 HYPERFLASH 1.0
  • Infineon (Cypress) x8 HYPERMCP 1.0

SLL and Infineon strongly recommend customers upgrade from HYPERBUS 1.0 to the latest generation of these memory devices.

Click here to visit the xSPI MBMC IP page for Infineon’s latest generation of memory devices.

xSPI MBMC v3 support for Infineon (Cypress) HyperRAM 1.0

Status of Infineon (Cypress) branded HyperRAM 1.0 device testing performed by SLL: 

  • Infineon Technologies AG
    • Physically tested:
    • Validated in simulator:
      • S27KS0641 (  64 Mbit, 1.8V)
      • S27KL0641 (  64 Mbit, 3.0V)
      • S70KS1281 (128 Mbit, 1.8V)

SLL and Infineon strongly recommend customers upgrade from HYPERRAM 1.0 to the latest generation of these memory devices. 

Click here to visit the xSPI MBMC IP page for Infineon’s latest generation of memory devices.

xSPI MBMC v3 support for Infineon (Cypress) HyperFlash 1.0

Status of Infineon (Cypress) HyperFlash 1.0 device testing and qualification performed by SLL:

  • Infineon (Cypress) Semiconductor Corporation  – HYPERFLASH 1.0
    • Physically validated:
      • S26KS512SDPBHI020 / 6KS512SDPHIO2 (512 Mbit, 1.8V)
    • Validated in the simulator:
      • S26KS128S (128 Mbit, 1.8V)
      • S26KL128S (128 Mbit, 3.0V)
      • S26KL256S (256 Mbit, 1.8V)
      • S26KL512S (256 Mbit, 3.0V)
      • S26KS256S (512 Mbit, 1.8V)
      • S26KS512S (512 Mbit, 3.0V)

SLL and Infineon recommend customers upgrade from HYPERFLASH 1.0 to the latest generation of these memory devices.

Click here to visit the xSPI MBMC IP page for Infineon’s latest generation of memory devices.

xSPI MBMC v3 support for Infineon (Cypress) HyperMCP 1.0

HYPERMCP (Hyper Multiple Chip Package) devices embed a HYPERRAM 1.0 die and HYPERFLASH 1.0 die in the same BGA24 package to reduce board area.   

Status of Infineon (Cypress) HYPERMCP 1.0 device testing performed by SLL:

  • Infineon Technologies AG – HYPERMCP 1.0
    • Physically tested:
      • S71KS512SC0 / 1KS512SCOHV00  (512 Mbit HYPERFLASH 1.0, 64 Mbit HYPERRAM 1.0, 1.8V)

SLL and Infineon strongly recommend customers upgrade from HYPERBUS 1.0 to the latest generation of these memory devices.

Click here to visit the xSPI MBMC IP page for Infineon’s latest generation of memory devices.

Notice to Hardware Developers using xSPI MBMC

  • Please validate your pin-mapping and PCB Layout for you selected memory devices with Synaptic Laboratories at info@synaptic-labs.com before manufacturing your first prototype to reduce risks.
  • Please email info@synaptic-labs.com for SLL’s guidance with regard to supporting specific FPGA device families.

Infineon (Cypress) HyperRAM 1.0 Resources

Infineon (Cypress) HyperFlash 1.0 Resources

Infineon (Cypress) HyperMCP 1.0 Resources

Contact SLL for information on many development board options for all these memory vendors xSPI memory devices: info@synaptic-labs.com